What you need to know about Soundproofing your home…
Noisy neighbors? Noise pollution from the street entering your bedroom? Or just looking for a quieter home? We’ve got you covered with a variety of soundproofing services!
We install a wide variety of different soundproofing materials (Roxul, Fiberglass, Cellulose, Open Cell spray foam) to keep your home quiet and comfortable. These can be installed anywhere there is a noise problem: exterior walls, interior walls separating bedrooms, subfloors, ceilings, underneath staircases, mechanical rooms, laundry rooms etc…
STC (Sound Transmission Class) – Transmission loss (TL) begins when sound waves strike one side of a partition or assembly (a wall, ceiling, or floor), causing it to vibrate.
Vibration travels through the partition and produces a sound on the other end. Some of the vibration energy may be lost during the transmission, which results in TL. High TL means that less sound is produced on the other side of the partition.
The STC rating is a single number rating of how well a building partition or assembly reduces airborne sounds transmission from one space to another, thus increasing TL. In short, STC measures how much sound is held inside the room, rather than being transferred to other rooms.

The expression soundproofing while commonly used can easily be misunderstood. To put it into perspective, the sound is reduced substantially depending upon the degree of soundproofing added.
Some insulation materials are better than others depending on the sound frequency you are trying to reduce. For example, Rockwool Safe’n’Sound is a mineral wool based product with exceptional sound absorbency. Here’s a list of the full benefits of Rockwool insulation:
- Easily cut
- Non-combustible with a melting point of approximately 1177°C (2150°F)
- Excellent sound absorbency
- Fire-resistant due to its high melting temperature
- Does not rot or promote the growth of fungi or mildew
- Low moisture sorption
- Water and moisture resistant; does not absorb moisture to maintain insulating value
Stone wool soundproofing outperforms fiberglass even more so at lower (bass) sound frequencies.